Compress PNG

Convert Your Compress PNG files effortlessly

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*Files deleted after 24 hours

Convert up to 2 GB files free, Pro users can convert up to 100 GB files; Sign up now



How to compress a PNG online

To compress a PNG file, drag and drop or click our upload area to upload the file

Our tool will automatically compress your PNG file

Then you click the download link to the file to save the PNG to your computer

Compress PNG conversion FAQ

Why use your PNG compression service?
Our PNG compression service provides an efficient method to reduce file sizes while preserving acceptable image quality. Whether you aim to optimize storage, expedite transfers, or boost overall efficiency, our compression service is tailored to meet your requirements.
Our compression process is designed to minimize the impact on image quality while reducing file sizes. We use advanced algorithms to achieve compression without compromising visual integrity, making it suitable for various applications.
Yes, our compression service offers options to control the level of compression applied to your PNG images. You can choose settings based on your preferences for balancing image quality and file size, providing flexibility for different use cases.
PNG compression is suitable for a wide range of images, including photographs, illustrations, and graphics. It is particularly effective for reducing file sizes while maintaining visual quality. However, some highly detailed images may experience slight compression artifacts.
Yes, our PNG compression service is provided free of charge. You can compress your PNG images without incurring any costs or hidden fees. Experience the benefits of optimized file sizes without financial constraints.

file-document Created with Sketch Beta.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is an image format known for its lossless compression and support for transparent backgrounds. PNG files are commonly used for graphics, logos, and images where preserving sharp edges and transparency is crucial. They are well-suited for web graphics and digital design.

file-document Created with Sketch Beta.

Compress PNG entails reducing the file size of an image in PNG format without markedly compromising its visual quality. This compression process is advantageous for optimizing storage space, facilitating quicker image transfer, and enhancing overall efficiency. Compressing PNGs is especially valuable when sharing images online or via email, ensuring a balance between file size and acceptable image quality.

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